The Story of Chocolate

Hayes Lavis/NMAI
August 18, 2017
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Man in exhibition of cacoa pods
Hayes Lavis/NMAI

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian, George Gustav Heye Center in New York will hold a weekend-long series Sept. 16 and 17 of performances, activities and talks in honor of this year’s National Hispanic Heritage Month. The museum’s program, titled “The Story of Chocolate,” invites visitors to make art, enjoy musical performances and learn about the history of the cacao tree. The program will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. All events and museum admission are free.

Offering a more artistic perspective on the story of chocolate, Yaqui/Mexica artist Joaquin Alejandro Newman will invite all guests to participate in his Interactive Cacao Mural project, encouraging them to contribute to a mural that creatively interprets the design of a Mesoamerican cacao vessel.

Photo by Hayes Lavis/NMAI.